Monday 29 January 2018



YES! It is finally the end of January. So this means one thing.
The new year resolutions start now!
Some people think it is a but weird to wait until February to start this, however I am hoping this will actually help me stick to them.
Lets face it January is a hard month for everyone, from money just not stretching far enough, to the wonderful miserable weather we have, to the Christmas blues.

Most of us set 'resolutions' I prefer to call them yearly goals. This year however I did not want to start in January because well it is hard enough to get through it. 
Who really wants to give up chocolate and wine, in one of the most stressful months?

So now it if FINALLY February my goals will begin. 
One of my goals is to write a blog post once a week,  fingers crossed.
I also want to get the house how I want it. Operation declutter and organise is on! if we haven't used it since this time last year its is gone!
 I also want to do things out of my comfort zone. 
And I need to lose weight,
I no this is a taboo subject for people but I am not happy with my weight. I want to be healthier and yes I want to be slimmer. However I am in no rush for this to happen just want to journey to start.
So as you can see this is why it could not happen in January because chocolate and wine is needed to get through the month. (Okay Okay I no I'm kidding myself I am not giving up chocolate or wine.)

So I hope 2018 is all we can make it to be! 
Hope you all enjoy yours too!

Friday 25 August 2017

Weekly Round-up

Weekly Round-up

This week has been very D.I.Y orientated and a lot of decision making.

Sunday: We got up early (because obviously that's what sane people do) and we headed to the car boot. I love a bargain, Dwaine got tools for his work, the boys got toys and general crap and I got exciting things like a Pina Colada Yankee Candle the large size for £10!! I also got a lovely cushion (see below).
Sorry not pictures of tools or toys because well they aren't that exciting!

After the car boot we had some D.I.Y to do because Dwaine had Saturday off work so got bored and decided to replace the manky disgusting carpet in the living room with laminate flooring! So Sunday afternoon was spent ripping that up and laying the new flooring. It looks amazing now, however I now need to decorate.

Monday: Spent on the phone to the hospital again to finally get a new date for Deacon's surgery (3rd November) which is the last day of his half term so he gets a month off school! Not bad for his first year hey!!

Tuesday: The dreaded top-up shop with the boys! We go once a week for fresh fruit and veg and bits we need. Food shopping in the holidays with 2 small children is a form of torture I am sure. Made even worse the fact there is a toy shop in the retail park!

Wednesday: Oh that day was THE LONGEST DAY EVER! Dwaine took his brother to pick up his new car all the way in Scarborough. So he didn't get back until late, today seemed like it was a week long.

Thursday: We made a den, that's a days entertainment in itself really. Who doesn't like a den? 

Friday: A trip to the shops with the boys Great Gran (G.G) followed by baking a cake total mess. That's what baths are made for right? 

Then before you know it, it is the weekend and bank holiday. And only one week left of the school holidays and I'm progressively feeling more and more sick as they days go by.
How was you week?!